Author: admin

  • Was that breakup talk enough?

    Was that breakup talk enough?

    Get Distance and Assess Breakups can be a time when there is extreme emotional distress and when emotions are running high; there can be a great deal at stake and a lot of conflicting information. It is important to be kind to yourself, to rely on your support networks, and also to take a step…

  • I was patiently dating but they don’t have romantic feelings, did they ever care for me?

    I was patiently dating but they don’t have romantic feelings, did they ever care for me?

    Potential situation: I was recently dating someone and I knew they had a lot of trauma that they still needed to navigate and that I would need to be patient. It seemed like we were a great match but then they told me that they didn’t have romantic feelings for me. I felt like they…

  • How do we stop having arguments and start having discussions?

    How do we stop having arguments and start having discussions?

    Being able to effectively, authentically, and empathetically discuss contentious issues and the more vulnerable parts of yourself is a vital, life-affirming skill. Arguments with those we love don’t have to be shouting matches, or be punctuated with slamming doors, or leave you unfulfilled, unconnected, and lonely in your relationships. Conflict is not your enemy; it…

  • Hello readers!

    Hello readers!

    Thank you so much for your interest in Let’s Relate Better! In addition to creating a coaching service, I wanted also to develop a resource for readers to encourage more discussion on how we can better look after ourselves and each other. Blog Purposes So I am creating this blog with some intended purposes: Latest…